当前位置: 首页-新闻动态电话营销系统有什么功能呢


作者:admin 来源:本站 发布时间:2017-05-03 10:27:00
Telephone marketing system is mainly aimed at telephone sales, telephone marketing as the main channels for enterprises tailored telephone marketing solutions, then, the telephone marketing system has what function?
Key functions of the telemarketing system:
1、 自动外呼功能
Automatic external call function
The new external call task, the batch import phone number, do not need to set out manually, the system automatically exhalation, improve the exhalation efficiency.
2、 通话录音功能
Voice recording
System automatically every call recording, save for 30 days, recording file save billed in ten days, may at any time obtaining recording content, can be used as a salesman ability appraisal or avoid the trouble dispute.
3、 CRM客户管理功能
CRM customer management function
CRM customer management system function, can support customer data management, customer tracking, customer, category, sales opportunity, product management, order management, distribution of phase state of management, sales management, etc. Avoid customer turnover from sales of salespeople.
4、 IVR语音导航功能
IVR voice navigation
Customers according to their own business, set up system IVR voice Settings, customer calls advisory into the call center system, business navigation system IVR voice navigation automatically, customers according to different key consulting related business, promote company image and brand awareness.
Statistical analysis function
The system to provide all kinds of business reports, statistical analysis of traffic, customer type, order statistics, such as clear grasp each salesman sales situation, convenient, and evaluation on its amount of work completed.
6、 来电弹屏客户资料
6, caller id
The system sets up the screen of the caller, the caller shows the customer data, convenient the telephone sales personnel to follow the customer in time, improves customer satisfaction and fidelity.
7、 客户回访功能(方便及时跟进客户,给客户提供良好服务)
Customer return function (convenient to follow up customers and provide good service to customers)
8、 黑名单设置(添加过黑名单以后, 再次呼叫的时候,就不会在呼叫到这个号码。)
The blacklist is set (once the blacklist has been added, it will not be called to the number when calling again.)
9、 意向按键设置(可在没有电脑坐席情况下,设置意向客户按键,方便及时跟进)
The intention button setting (can set up the user's key when no computer is in the seat, convenient to follow up in time)
In addition to the above described functions, Jane to call telephone marketing system still has a lot of other functional applications, here not introduce one by one, if you have questions about telephone marketing system, welcome the consultation call Jane.


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